Thursday, April 01, 2010

Blog EntryDreaming of my dreaming self.Apr 1, '10 6:44 AM
for everyone
Awk. Woke up around 2am, tears fell. I dreamed of myself dreaming.
I was happily cuddling my cute dog Enzo and we were like playing around the area, a new dog came, an Aphso dog who became our playmate as well. Laughter covered the vicinity just like what always happen. Then I woke up in my dreams, looking for my dog, but its gone. Tears fell in my dream. Then I woke up in reality. Tears fell again.

Reality and dreams collided. My dog Enzo is gone. :(


Breaking News:

My dog was stolen earlier yesterday.
Friends of mine tried searching for it around the village and got no luck at all.

I am sad. So sad.

Then..Tears fall again.

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